Monday, October 11, 2010

New Smoky photos

Smoky is turning out to be an incredible dog. He is happy, gentle and sweet and I have encouraged this personality by having him hand out with Zipper a lot! These photos aren't the best - I need a tripod to hold my camera still enough for a good photo.
I think dog club meetings are very boring and Smoky agreed. Note his back legs are stretched out and crossed!
You would think at a dog club meeting people would be smart enough not to leave their cell phones on the floor next to a puppy! Fortunately Smoky didn't have anyone he wanted to text that night.

And lastly, here's a photo from yesterday. My friend Kim and I were working our agility dogs and Kim insisted I bring Smoky. After watching the "big dogs" jump on the table and get a treat, Smoky ran over, jumped up and his look said "All I got to do is jump on this table to get a treat? What's so hard about agility?" Smoky enjoyed chasing Zipper through a tunnel or two. All I know is I better lose some weight before I start this guy in agility class because he is fast - as fast as Zipper already!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Southern Indiana clubs

Okay, so what breed of dog do you think I should buy for my granddaughter's first show dog? I obviously want her to fit in locally. This is a photo of the local dog club: what do you think - Plott hound? Bluetick? Treeing Walker? How about an American Leopard Hound - yeah that's it! They are blue merle - maybe I can convince my son-in-law it's just an ugly aussie!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

40 - Love

My husband the athlete!
This is my husband's idea of exercise - he goes out every evening with his dogs, a tennis racket and a ball. He then hits the ball as far as he can, the dogs retrieve it and bring it back to him. This is repeated until 1) the dogs lay down somewhere in the yard too pooped to continue or 2) the mosquitos get too bad or 3) the dogs start fighting over the ball! The dogs take this exercise very seriously - they wait by the door every evening until he takes them outside. Rain or shine, they don't care, after all the ball is going to get wet anyway!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Smooth and Smoky

Toshay's Smooth and Smoky

the newest member of the Oshinski pack.....

Smoky !

Born: 6-26-10

Mom: Ch. Toshay's Firefly ("Ruby")

Dad: Ch. Coedwig's Malachite RN PT ("Rocky")

Smoky arrived from Pullman Washington via Delta airlines on September 7th. He shares a grandfather with Zipper and his personality reminds us a lot of Zipper too.

The pack has adjusted well to the newest member: Anna would really rather not be bothered - thank you very much - but that's her purgative as the senior dog. Big Red thinks Smoky is heaven sent - a buddy that wants to play rough! Paris really doesn't want to have anyone know she likes him; they play in secret behind the rocker recliner in the evenings. Zipper and Smoky are best buds, spending long hours watching the world go by in the dog run. Panache, as ever the dominant female, just demands respect. (I think her name should be Aretha!)

Smoky is a happy-go-lucky boy and I hope you get to love him as much as we do.