Monday, October 11, 2010

New Smoky photos

Smoky is turning out to be an incredible dog. He is happy, gentle and sweet and I have encouraged this personality by having him hand out with Zipper a lot! These photos aren't the best - I need a tripod to hold my camera still enough for a good photo.
I think dog club meetings are very boring and Smoky agreed. Note his back legs are stretched out and crossed!
You would think at a dog club meeting people would be smart enough not to leave their cell phones on the floor next to a puppy! Fortunately Smoky didn't have anyone he wanted to text that night.

And lastly, here's a photo from yesterday. My friend Kim and I were working our agility dogs and Kim insisted I bring Smoky. After watching the "big dogs" jump on the table and get a treat, Smoky ran over, jumped up and his look said "All I got to do is jump on this table to get a treat? What's so hard about agility?" Smoky enjoyed chasing Zipper through a tunnel or two. All I know is I better lose some weight before I start this guy in agility class because he is fast - as fast as Zipper already!

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