Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Champion? The why.

All the time I get questions when I tell co-workers I am headed off for a weekend dog show. Some times the reply is just a nod of the head and an "Okay." Sometimes I get grilled with questions. Here's my explanation of why I show my dogs in conformation.

Dogs at AKC conformation shows are judged individually by their breed against a breed standard. Every breed has a standard which defines the perfect dog and bitch of that breed. Structure, coat, head, gait, color, and even temperament are listed. Conformation is about breeding the most correct animal possible so all entries at a conformation show are unaltered. No spayed or neutered dogs are allowed.

Most people at a show will tell you that conformation is the juding of breeding stock. I am not all that interested in breeding but I show because I want verification that I have a conformationally correct dog. If my corgi is judged to be a champion, he or she is built to work. Corgis are, after all, a working breed. I have never had any really serious physical problems with my corgis while I compete in performance events and I want it to stay that way.

Conformation is also important to me in that my puppies get exposed to noisy places with lots of other dogs. I believe I am asking for behaviors any performance prospect should be able to handle at that age: walk on a leash, show minimal manners around other dogs, stand on a table while a stranger touches them, and concentrate on me when I have delicious treats! If a pup can't handle the conformation ring, there is no way he will progress well to an agility or obedience ring.

I have discovered that the two cardi's I have that finished their championships, Red and Panache, are very consistent in the ring. Nothing seems to grab their attention away from the task at hand - completeing the agility course. Red occassionally does like how close the judge approaches but he is exhibiting a breed quality mentioned in the Cardigan standard - "reserved with strangers." He is at the high end of "reserved" but I cannot fault him for being a Cardigan.

That is this performance person's explanation of why. The how is next.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's a major!

Smoky and I ventured up to Milwaukee this past weekend with my friend Jean and her cardi Cricket for a conformation show. I was quite excited when the judging schedule came and I discovered it was a 4 point major for the boys. I went up with the mind set that I only wanted to win one day - kind of a "share the love" mentality. Most of the people showing are friends and are wonderful people so there is no good purpose to being overly competitive, right?

Well, Smoky got reserve Winners Dog on Saturday and I pouted! He is only 8 months old, in the youngest puppy class, wouldn't stand on the table and I pouted because I didn't win. Come on, Sue, get a life.

Sunday, when I opened up the car to get Smoky unloaded, I found him shaking like a leak. I almost freaked out myself but then I settled down. I had to for Smoky. I reminded myself that we had gotten to the show really early which is what I like to do. I studied the judge and how he ran his ring. I bought Smoky some more liver for bait and treated him to a doggy cupcake from a vendor. I told him we are going to have a good time at this dog showing stuff! I managed to convince myself and Smoky!

We were the first cardi in the ring and won our class - but we had done that the day before. When we went in for Winners Dog, Smoky showed like it was Westminster! He free stacked beautifully, he moved like a dream and I grinned like a fool when the judge pointed at us.

(Please don't notice I was holding his ribbons upside down!)

When it came for Best of Breed, Smoky decided he had had enough and pulled all the typical Cardi tricks. He snagged a huge hairball on the first go around the ring, and spent half the trip around trying to shake it out of his mouth. He then decided to leap over the tape which was holding down the mats in every corner of the ring. He also did not want any more liver, thank you very much! Is it any wonder he didn't get Best of Breed or Best of Winners?

So far, after 4 days of showing, Smoky has won twice and has 6 points including a major. Well on his way to the total of 15 needed to finish his championship. Way to go Smoky!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Spring is my favorite season. The color of spring, green, is my favorite and I prefer the bright green of new spring - what my mom and sister refer to as flourescent green! My favorite smell is rain and I religious about listening for my first robin. But every March the first sign I watch for is....

buds on the trees! Most folks would say this photo is pretty dreary but to me it's beautiful! Old Man Winter may still have a few things to say before moving on this year but the nymphs of spring are peaking from behind his back!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We be relaxin'

My husband shares everything with our dogs - and I mean everything. He shares his breakfast every morning by breaking off the edge of his waffles and distributing them to each dog. He shares his nightly beer by dipping his little finger in the can which the dogs lick. He shares errands by taking somebody with him. But the most prized thing he shares (in the dogs' eyes) is a spot in his chair in front of the t.v. at night. His lap is a revolving door because if one dog gets down, another is more than ready to climb up. When I got up to head to bed last night, here is what I saw!